keep the NADA 2024 party going!

NADA 2024 TraXtion team photo
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The NADA Show Special GOES on!

Thanks to the overwhelming response at NADA 2024 in Las Vegas, TraXtion’s show promotional offer has been extended through February 15, 2024. 

Our booth was a nonstop flow of interested dealers and we apologize for not being able to meet with others who had expressed interest in seeing the new TreadSpecX in action.  Covering ground at the show is tough, despite the best of intentions, but don’t despair – the show special goes on! For those who saw the product and could not purchase on the show floor for whatever reason…the show special goes on!

For details on the show promotional pricing and to schedule a demo, complete the below and a TraXtion representative will connect with you.

Set up a demo & qualify for the show special!

AT NADA 2025!